Healthy Holidays

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Healthy Holidays

Six tips from Collegedale Chiropractic to help enjoy the festivities and stay healthy

The holidays can be a stressful time both mentally and physically. Collegedale Chiropractic shares six tips on how to enjoy the festivities while staying healthy.

Stay hydrated. Keeping your body fueled with water reduces hunger cravings (you can often feel “hungry” when you simply need water!) Limit your intake of high-calorie drinks like eggnog, martinis and margaritas. Also, try alternating with glasses of water in between your cocktails. Your body will thank you the next morning!

Practice gratitude. The holidays are a good time to focus on what’s really meaningful in our lives. Say thank you often and focus on the things you are thankful for.

Don’t Miss Out on Zzz’s. Keep a regular sleep schedule. ​Sleeping 7-9 hours a night goes a long way to keeping your immune system working and your adrenals healthy when faced with holiday stress. More sleep allows your body to recharge and take on all the challenges of the day.

Decrease Sugar. Moderation is a great mantra for the holiday season. Over-consumption of sugar can substantially decrease your immune system. Meanwhile, getting just 30 minutes of exercise each day can help the immune system fight against infection. The more consistent your healthy habits are, the better you’ll feel – now and when the holidays are over.

Eat your fruits and veggies. Eating a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables is one of the best things you can do to bolster your immune system. Try to get 7-10 servings a day (cooked or raw). You can also add a handful of nuts and seeds. This will keep you full of healthy choices and help avoid the temptation of all the holiday treats around you.

Reduce Stress. The holidays can create a variety of stress for some, which is a natural immune depressor. A few moments are all you need to unwind and recharge. Take a peaceful walk, listen to relaxing music, rent the movie you’ve been wanting to see, lose yourself in a good book, treat yourself to a massage. Take some time out and pamper yourself.

Healthy holidays from Collegedale Chiropractic!

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